(set: $php to 200)
(set: $patk to 20)
(set: $fhp to 100)
(set: $sp to 0)
(set: $fatk to 20)
(set: $turn to 0)
You encountered a mannequin!
(text-colour:yellow)[(print: $php)] HP
(text-colour:yellow)[(print: $patk)] ATK
(text-colour:yellow)[(print: $fhp)] HP
(text-colour:yellow)[(print: $fatk)] ATK
(text-colour:yellow)[(print: $sp)] SP
[[FIGHT]] [[HEAL]] [[ACT]](set: $fhp to $fhp - $patk)
(print: [Its HP decreased to (text-colour:yellow)[$fhp]])!
(if: $fhp <= 0)[You killed the enemy!(set:$EXP to 1)
(else:)[The enemy is still alive!
[[Enemy Turn]]](if: $php >= 200)[
Your HP is still full.
(else:)[(set: $php to $php + 10)
You healed for 10 hp!
[[Enemy Turn]]
You complimented the mannequin.
(set: $sp to $sp + 50)
(print: [Its SP increased to (text-colour:yellow)[$sp]])
(if: $sp >= 100)[
You spared the enemy!
The enemy is not convinced...
[[Enemy Turn]]
](set: $fatk to (random: 10, 13))
(set: $php to $php - $fatk)
The enemy hits you for $fatk damage!
(if: $php <= 0)[
You have been defeated...
[[End|End]] ]
You have $php health left.
]nooo kalahyey mensng